Heart attack ( Sajib Manandhar)


Heart  Attack


(The following dialogue is between Father and Son from a middle-class family, Son is enrolled in +2 Science and today he is late at home due to an incident with his friend in School.)

Father: Hey, Ayaan, why were you late to home today?

Son: (sighs), I had made a call to Mom, I was in the hospital. It's just so unreal, Dad. Kunja was one of my best friends, and now he's no more. He had a heart attack, the doctors said.

Father: I can't imagine how tough this is for you. Anyway, take your dinner and explain to me later.

Son: OK father.

Father: Did you finish your dinner? Can you tell me what had happened? Did doctors mention anything about what might have caused the heart attack?

Son: Yeah, Dad. It's really hard to say this, but it seems like the drugs he was using played a role. It's just shocking.

Father: I'm so sorry to hear that, Ayaan. It's heartbreaking when someone so young faces such consequences. Did you know he was using drugs?

Son: Not really, Dad. We knew he partied occasionally, but we never thought it would lead to something like this. It's just a wake-up call, you know?

Father: Heart attacks these days are the cause of many deaths in our locality as well. We heard that last week your Kiran Uncle in Sinamangal also passed away with the same problem. Did you ask doctors what a heart attack is?

Son: Yes Father, Doctors told us that heart attack also known as myocardial infarction is a serious and emergency condition in which the flow of blood to the heart tissues is suddenly reduced or blocked, and in this situation, the heart cannot do its work properly, and the person feels extreme difficulty. Heart attack is caused by the deposit of fat or cholesterol on the inner wall of the artery is called plaque. Sometimes, these plaques break down and cause blood clotting, which may also block capillaries, damaging certain tissues of the heart, and immediate treatment is required to save the life of a person suffering from a heart attack.

Heart Attack- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afYCN3Upy_w

Father: Oh….is it! I was very unaware of these facts. Did you ask about the risk factors of heart attack

Son: Yes, Doctors told us that there are many risk factors for heart attack.

  • Age: Males above 45 years and females above 55 years of age (or after menopause) are at the risk of heart attack than the youths.
  • Diabetes: Diabetes is a disorder in which blood sugar levels increase in the body. This condition also increases the risk of heart attack.
  • Consumption of tobacco products: Chewing tobacco and its products and smoking cigarettes are also the causes of heart attacks.
  • High blood pressure or hypertension: A person whose blood pressure has been high for a long time is also at risk of heart attack.
  • High cholesterol and triglycerides: Arteries become narrower due to the deposition of high levels of bad cholesterol on their inner wall. Such cholesterol resists the flow of blood through the artery and increases the chance of a heart attack. Similarly, high levels of triglycerides in the blood also increase the risk of heart attack.
  • Family history: You have a higher risk if your father or a brother was diagnosed with coronary artery disease before 55 years of age or if your mother or a sister was diagnosed with coronary artery disease before 65 years of age.
  • Lack of regular exercise and unhealthy diet: Consumption of foodstuffs containing more trans-fat, salt, sugar, animal fat. and processed foods and lack of regular exercise also increases the risk of a heart attack. 
  • Infections: Sometimes infections caused by bacteria and viruses also may lead to heart attack.
  • Stressful life: Emotional stress, like excessive anger or excessive negative thinking, etc. also increases the risk of a heart attack.
  • Consumption of illegal drugs: Habits such as taking drugs like cocaine and amphetamines as stimulants affect the coronary artery and increase the chance of a heart attack.

Father: With these, I think I am also in the red zone as I have been taking medicine for Diabetes and Blood pressure since the last 8 years.

Son: Yes father, Doctors also gave us an idea about the symptoms of a heart attack as follows

  • Sudden pain and discomfort in the centre of the chest which slowly spreads to the shoulder, hand, neck, jaw and sometimes the stomach.
  • Cold sweat, fatigue, shortness of breath.
  • Headache or sudden dizziness, nausea.
  • Regular discomfort or pressure in the chest region that does not get reduced even after taking a rest.
  • But some people may have sudden heart attacks. 

Father: It sounds as if the information is very informative and everyone should be aware of it. Son, did you learn about some preventive measures for heart attack?

Son: Doctors told us about the following preventive measures for heart attack

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • Physical exercises should be done regularly. 
  • Keep a healthy body weight.
  • Consume a healthy and balanced diet.
  • Do not consume alcohol and give up smoking.
  • Manage the stress.
  • High blood pressure and diabetes patients should go for regular health check-ups to minimize the risk of heart attack.

Father: Did you ask doctors about the diagnosis and treatment of heart attack?

Son: Doctors told us that for the diagnosis of a heart attack, pulse, blood pressure, and temperature are checked. Diagnosis also involves overall tests related to the heart, heartbeat, etc. A heart attack is tested using various techniques, including Electrocardiogram, blood test, echo, angiography, CT Coronary Angiogram, and MRI.



Angiography is a type of fluoroscopy X-ray used to test blockages in blood vessels. A special dye called contrast medium is injected into the blood which highlights blood flow and provides a clear view of problems in blood vessels. The X-ray image formed in angiography is called an angiogram.

During a heart attack, many tissues of the heart are destroyed per minute. So, immediate treatment is essential to restore blood flow and oxygen levels. The treatment of a heart attack depends on whether there is a partial or complete blockage of blood flow. The patient should be immediately taken to the hospital for treatment. When angiogram and angioplasty equipment are not available, doctors start treatment by using blood thinners. Coronary angioplasty and stenting, coronary artery bypass surgery, etc., are used to open blocked arteries.                                             

Angiogram- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUpjL_R4qX4

Coronary angioplasty and stenting:

This medical procedure is used to open the clogged coronary artery of the heart, also known as percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). During angioplasty, a cardiologist puts a long, thin, flexible tube called a catheter into a blood vessel of the hand or leg and guides it to the narrowed artery of the heart where plaque is present. A stent (a small metal mesh tube) is placed at narrowed or blocked blood vessels and widens the blood vessels during angioplasty. 

Coronary artery bypass surgery:

Coronary artery bypass surgery is also called open-heart surgery and is the emergency surgical procedure adopted during a heart attack. This method involves surgery by taking a healthy blood vessel from the leg area and making a new pathway to improve blood flow to the heart muscle. Then, heart tissues get nutrient and oxygen-rich blood through a new pathway. This method of treatment is also known as Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG).


Heart Bypass Surgery (CABG)  - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxc22Fjd1NQ&t=206s

Father: Life can be unpredictable, and it's important to learn from these experiences. Hope the information that you got from doctors will help other people to be safe from heart attacks. OK then Goodnight and have a sweet dream see you tomorrow. 

Son: Goodnight father…


Source of information: 



Angiography  - Demian J. Omeh; Evan Shlofmitz.





Coronary-Artery Bypass Grafting


John H. Alexander, M.D., M.H.S., and Peter K. Smith, M.D.


Date : 2080/9/22 Sunday

Submitted to: Department of science, Nepal Police School

Prepared by : Sajib Manandhar (Secondary Section)

Assigned task : To prepare an article for the school's blog

Topic of article: Heart attack




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