MUSTANG DIARY

                   GOVINDA BAHADUR KUNWAR


  Every year our school, Nepal Police School, Sanga takes our students on an educational excursion. This time the school had decided to take our students to Mustang. In this article I am focusing on “The Mustang 4 Nights and 5 Days Tour” of Grade XII Management, which I believe is the perfect short tour package for travelers who are wanting to enjoy visiting the most stunning natural spots in Mustang. This was how our wonderful excursion got its shape.

Day 1: Sanga to Galeshwor

As per the plan, everyone including me had already reached the parking of our school before 6 am. The farewell program organized by the school admin had added more hunger for the tour. We left the school premises at 6:30. All the students and the staff members were singing, dancing and in the mood of celebrating the moment. We took a short breakfast break at Naubise, Dhading at 9:30 AM. The Highway was under construction. The way was dusty, smokey and at the top of it the bending corners were making us fall upon each other, too. Nevertheless, we enjoyed it.

We hurriedly left the roadside cities back. Actually no one was aware of the fact that we had already crossed some major places like Galchhi, Malekhu, Baireni and so on. Everyone was enjoying on their own ways. As we had travelled a long way, some of us were demanding for the lunch break. Our demand was fulfilled as the warm and delicious lunch was waiting for us in Kurintar. We filled our tummies and took some important group photographs there. It is indeed a beautiful place for a break.         

Through the windows of our moving bus we got chances to see some eye-catching views, roadside rivers and streams, maturing cities like Mugling, Abukhaireni, Damauli and so on. The road from Mugling to Pokhara was under construction, so the travel became lengthier.

Pokhara was going to be a new experience for most of the students on our bus. As an experienced player, I was delighted and happy to explain and give some necessary information about those different places of Pokhara. When we had left Pokhara, day had completely turned into night. We crossed Lumle, Naya Pool, Kushma and reached Maldhunga. From here we had taken the road towards Myagdi as we had to reach Galeshwor. On our left we could listen to the sound of the river Kaligandaki. The bad condition of the road gave all of us a tiresome experience for sure. And at 9 o’ clock we reached Galeshwor, tired and hungry. As we were tired, we took shelter in the warm bed.

Day 2: Galeshwor to Marpha

We got up before sunrise and proceeded towards the religious Galeshwor Temple which was at a distance of about a few minutes’ walk. We could easily listen to the sound of the bells and the Bhajans on the way. Many pilgrims had already queued for the turn. Everyone was religious and devoted towards the deities of this temple. We spent almost 1 and half hours there and moved toward our hotel for breakfast. After that we reached Tatopani Kunda at Bhuring, Myagdi. There were different bathing places separated for both male and female. On the way we could see some heavy excavators widening and spreading the road and making the travel safer and easier for the coming years. We got a chance to visit Mayam Fall on the way. It is beautiful and worth watching.

Then we reached Dana, Myagdi, where the very famous Rupse Jharana welcomes you. It is about 75 meters tall and is stealing our hearts. We spent almost 1 hour there and had a difficult time when we left that place.

When we reached the Lete Bazaar, we were welcomed by the speedy and cold wind beyond our expectation. We could see some traditional houses made up of stones and black slate on both sides of the roads. There were some narrow ways made by placing stones at both sides. Our plan was to visit Dhumba Lake and rest at Marpha that day, so we couldn’t spend much time at Lete Bazaar.

When we were walking towards the Dhumb Lake the way was wet, up-hill and difficult. Everyone who plans to go there should not hurry to reach the top, for there is the possibility of getting breathing problems. This lake is situated at 2760 m above the sea level surrounded by rocky sandstone cliffs with a mesmerizing view of Nilgiri on its South and Puthang on its North. Happy we returned to Marpha where we had planned to rest at Orchard Hotel. We got warmer when we were enjoying the campfire.

Day 3: Marpha to Lete

After having a light breakfast we set out for the day. We had decided to visit the Muktinath Mandir first, so our bus took a right turn leaving the beautiful and awakening Kagbeni city. We were all surprised and overwhelmed watching the morning glory of the mountains in such a way that we couldn’t realize that we had already reached the bus park at Ranipauwa.

Getting out of the bus, we decided to walk to the temple. On the way, we could easily see those who couldn’t climb the stairs and had fear of breathing problem, were hiring horses. After walking 150 stairs we reached the premises of the Muktinath Temple almost or near about 9 o’clock. Almost at the height of 3800 m above sea level the Muktinath Temple is the common religious place for both Hindus and Buddhists. When we reached there, the arena was already queued by the pilgrims both from Nepal and India. The temperature was -9 degree Celsius. One could easily see people rushing to worship their deities, taking bath under 108 taps, swimming in two cold water pools. I got goosebumps after seeing it. Towards the south of this temple there is a huge statue of Lord Buddha and Jwala Temple. This Jwala temple is renowned for its colorful flames. We stayed around the premises of the temple for about two to three hours.

After returning from the temple we stayed at a nearby hotel for our lunch. Right after our lunch we proceeded towards Selfie Danda. This area is famous for taking photos because of the stunning landscapes of the Mustang region.

It was almost mid-day when we reached Kagbeni. Kagbeni is a religious place and famous for paying homage to the departed souls. You can roam through the narrow streets and visit many nearby areas. Leaving Kagbeni behind us, we moved towards Jomsom. It was windy and cold. We got a golden opportunity to enter the Jomsom Airport. We spent some memorable time there. After Jomsom we proceeded towards Jerry. Many Nepali movies and short videos are shot here. You can hire Tibetan dresses and make some videos and take beautiful pictures. It was almost dark when we reached Kalopani, Lete. We had another camp fire here with music and dance.

Day 4: Lete to Pokhara

As a regular routine, we all got up early, took our breakfast and started our journey. At almost 9 o’ clock we reached the longest suspension bridge of Nepal- Golden Bridge of Baglung. Though some students were hesitant to enter there, some others like me spent a memorable time out here. After Golden Bridge we headed towards Baglung Kalika Mandir. The premises of the temple were already filled with the worshippers. Though our turn came late, we were delighted for this visit.     

On the way back to Pokhara we had taken our delicious lunch at Lumle. When we reached Pokhara we visited Bindabasani Mandir, Gupteswor Mahadev, Davis Fall and headed towards Pumdikot. At Pumdikot, there is a huge sitting statue of Lord Shiva. This time we were unlucky as the statue was under reconstruction. After Pumdikot we moved towards Shanti Stupa, one of the famous peace places in Pokhara. After visiting all these wonderful places we moved towards our hotel. The hotel was grand and luxurious. We enjoyed spicy barbecue and made plans to roam near the lakeside area. One should not miss this opportunity when you are in Pokhara. Around 10 o’ clock we all returned back at our hotel, took our dinner and went under the warmth of the bed.                  

Day 5: Pokhara to Sanga

It was going to be the last day of our tour. As per the plan we reached near the lakeside at 6 o’clock early in the morning for boating and visiting Taal Barahi. We were provided with thirteen boats which we took towards the middle of the massive lake. We worshipped at the temple, though it was also under construction. We fully enjoyed boating in Fewa Lake. Then we returned back to the hotel, took our breakfast, packed our belongings and became ready to return back home.

At 1 o’ clock we had our lunch at Abukhaireni. Following the same route while returning could be boring for some. It was almost 7 pm when we entered the premises of our school. Mustang tour is the best tour package for them who want to explore the deserted area alongside the ancient beauties of Nepal. I believe Mustang Tour in the autumn season offers an exceptional experience. At the same time I highly recommend everyone to take thick and warm clothes when you plan to go there in winter. It would be better if you plan first and follow it if you want to complete a successful tour of Mustang. 

Govinda Bahadur Kunwar

Department of English


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