“Tomorrow is my exam, but I don’t care because single sheet of paper can’t decide my future”
“Grade doesn’t equate to intelligence; they are very closely linked to effort”
“Mark Zuckerberg is a college dropout.”
The above statements are commonly said to reflect a student’s achievement. I think these statements are errorsome and misleading. It’s common human nature to use logic in their own favour. These statements are given in different circumstances. Yes, marks or grades on the report card is not everything to determine the overall ability of a student. As it is not going to make difference in life either, we remember theory, figures and fact after 15 years or not, but habit cultivated to do hard labour and skill that are developed to learn it will make a difference.
Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of university to pursue his entrepreneurial ambition. It should not be ignored that only success stories are brought to us, not their struggles through unsuccessful attempts and failure.
Academic achievement can be reflected through percentage or grade. Soft skills can be evaluated through their participation in different ECA and CCA, achievement in different inter and intra school competitions, self-reflections, evaluation of student’s behaviours when they are at home. These achievements can be shown in graphs.
At the time of parent-teacher meeting, along with academic performance their nonacademic achievements should not be ignored. For example, a student may not be able to perform good in academic aspect but good in nonacademic performance; may be a good dancer. Parents should be informed of his/her such skills and give emphasis to develop. Unfortunately, if parents and students ignore such skills and want to focus only on academic aspects then special classes should be managed. It is the responsibility of school to fulfill the needs of society, but it should guide society as well.