Transforming Education via Artificial Intelligence (Roshan Ghimire)

Talking about the genesis of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), there are many speculations  of the people around the globe but the foundation of this eye-opening component of  technology was pioneered in the mid 20th century by the British Logician and  computer pioneer Alan Mathison Turing. Even though, an American Scientist John  McCarthy is considered as the father of Artificial Intelligence as it is considered by  many to be the first artificial intelligence program which was presented at the  Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence (DSRPA) hosted by  John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky.  

As artificial intelligence has become a sensation in the current time, thanks to  increased data volumes, advanced algorithms and improvised computing power  along with the storage. Alexa and Siri are applications powered by AI which rely on  natural language processing and machine learning. Beside these two applications  based on artificial intelligence the learning platform in the immediate present has  been served abundantly. 

The educational transformation claims in recent days is a topic of debate which  highlights the revolution, both at the level of compulsory schooling and higher  education. As the technological companies cherish the education transformation  through AI some of the features of artificial intelligence have been stated which  can create impact on the education field. 

  • Efficient and productive learning environment

Enhancement or qualitative learning can be achieved only if the learning  environment is interactive or personalized, which has been the desired goal of  almost all EdTech developments since the first teaching machines were  introduced. AI emphasizes the implicit learning models to be more behaviorist  rather than constructivist. The use of multimedia, simulations and serious  games AI can enable powerful learning. Virtual Reality systems, coupled with  instructionally designed algorithms, can create realistic situations that test  students' ability to apply their learning. 

  • Accuracy and fairness in assessment 

Adaptive assessments use AI algorithms to analyze student responses in real  time, adjust question difficulty and content, and identify strengths,  weaknesses, and knowledge gaps. These systems, like Adaptemy and  Assess AI, enable adaptive learning from feedback, providing a precise  evaluation of each student's knowledge and skills. 

  • 24×7 Teaching Assistants  

Various chatbots and learning models can be created using these AI  technologies to tutor and support learning across a range of courses for a very  specific course which will support students by answering questions,  suggesting appropriate learning activities, assessing progress or drawing  attention to learning deficits based on the results of assessment. 

  • Multilingual and project based learning 

As the new AI tools enable instant translation in over 140 languages that  enhances the community complexity of language understanding and learning.  Researchers are also working on capturing dying Indigenous languages and

creating powerful resources for translation to make the process more efficient  and versatile. 

Project-based learning (PBL) is an educational approach that encourages  students to design, develop, and construct hands-on solutions to complex  problems, often in small teams. And to make this whole cycle elementary AI  can play a key role in the modern day computing and education which  include the Edutainment. 

However, every aspect of this earth has two way impacts so it's better to stick to the  positive side of this component of technology rather than exploit it. 

Roshan Ghimire

Department of Computer


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